
In Summer 2017, Bishop Eustace welcomed its newest addition, MyEustace. The transitioning period is difficult because there are so many new features to get used to, but the result of this website is definitely more modern and convenient. Although many are still not used to calling the website MyEustace instead of CrusaderNet, everyone loves it. The first new feature that has come to the attention of the student body is the “Class Rosters.” With this feature, students can easily see which students are in each of their classes. This component is extremely helpful to find friends in each lunch period, and students no longer have to send their schedules to everyone in their contact lists. In the past, supply lists were distributed on the first day of classes, but this year the class syllabi and supply lists were posted as soon as the website launched. All of a student’s back-to-school shopping can be finished before school starts and he or she will have every item they need because of the new website. “MyEustace has been helpful this year because all of the teachers’ syllabi and rosters were posted online, so it was quick and easy to shop for supplies,” says Kelly Gurcsik, Class of 2018. Another major difference between MyEustace and CrusaderNet is the MyEustace messaging system. Students are able to securely send messages to their teachers through the website, and students can also receive messages or updates from their teachers. “The messages on the website are more efficient than sending emails,” remarks Katy Storti, Class of 2019. “MyEustace is really helpful for viewing my grades and contacting my teachers easily,” adds Maria Elena Johnson, Class 2019. Students are also able to complete quizzes and hand in homework on the site, and medical forms are posted for download on the documents page. “The new features on MyEustace make it easier for students to communicate with their teachers, see announcements and posts for classes, clubs, and sporting events, and manage their time by using the Assignment Center,” says Suzanne Picciano, Class of 2019. Technology is always changing and Bishop Eustace never fails to be up-to-date, especially with MyEustace. MyEustace has been a great start to a new school year.