Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning is the process of thinking about and writing down your wishes or instructions for present or future health care treatment in the event you become incapable of deciding for yourself. The Ministry of Health encourages all capable adults to do advance care planning.

For more information on advance care planning in British Columbia, including how to get started making a plan, answers to frequently asked questions, resources for planning, links to the No CPR Form and more, see Advance Care Planning.

Topic Contents


What is an advance care plan?

An advance care plan is a form. It describes the kinds of medical care you want to have if you're badly hurt or have a serious illness and can't speak for yourself. Advance care plans also let you appoint somebody to make health care decisions for you if you can't make them for yourself. The designated person is called a substitute decision-maker, or a health care representative, agent, or proxy.

What should you include in an advance care plan?

It may be hard to know what to include in your advance care plan . Use the questions below to help you get started.

Health Tools

Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health.

Decision Points focus on key medical care decisions that are important to many health problems.

Basic Types of Advance Care Plans

An advance care plan is a legal way to state your wishes at the end of your life. It tells your family and your doctor what to do if you can no longer say what you want.

An advance care plan tells your family and doctor your wishes about life support and other medical treatment. An advance care plan also allows you to appoint a person (called a substitute decision-maker or a health care agent) who can make treatment decisions for you when you can't speak for yourself.

If you do not have an advance care plan, decisions about your medical care may be made by someone who doesn't know you or what you would want.

It may help to think of an advance care plan as a gift to the people who care for you. If you have one, they won't have to make tough decisions by themselves.

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Preparing an Advance Care Plan

If you have decided to write an advance care plan , you have taken an important step to make sure that your health care wishes are met. As you prepare an advance care plan, you will need to follow four important steps.

  1. Get the advance directive and proxy directive forms for your province.
  2. Choose someone to be your substitute decision-maker .
  3. Fill out the forms, and have them notarized or witnessed as your province requires.
  4. Keep your advance care plan in a safe but easy-to-access place where others can find it.

You can change or cancel your advance care plan at any time. Just fill out new forms and get rid of your existing forms. Or you can just let your family, your doctor, and your substitute decision-maker know about the change. If you change or create new forms, give everyone an updated copy. Don't just cross out or add new details unless it's only to change your address or phone number.

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What to Include in an Advance Care Plan

It may be hard to know what to include in your advance care plan if your form doesn't tell you what to address. Many provinces have a unique advance care plan form. (For example, the form may ask you to address specific issues.) Or you might use a universal form that has been approved by many provinces.

You can also use the information below to help you get started.

Making decisions

Who do you want to make your health care decisions for you?

Types of treatment

Do you know enough about the kinds of treatments that can help keep you alive?

Life support

How do you feel about the use of life support if you:

Your concerns

What concerns you the most?

Quality of life

What does quality of life mean to you?

Do you have any other thoughts about what quality of life means to you and how much control you want to have over it?

End-of-life questions

Here are some other questions to think about:

Spiritual beliefs

Finding answers

You may find it hard to answer some of these questions. Here's a way to help make things more clear.

Try to picture yourself in each of the situations listed below. Then think about what you would like to happen if you couldn't say what you wanted. As you read through each example, write down any thoughts that come to you.

Try this exercise again with a few more "what if" situations. This time you might think about what your doctor says about your chances for recovery and how that might affect what you decide to do. You may see some patterns develop that can help you decide what to include in your advance care plan.

These decisions are tough to make, but you don't have to make them alone. Look to your family, your doctor, your substitute decision-maker, and your friends for help and support. Involve them as you write your advance care plan so they'll know what you want. If something happens that you didn't plan for, they'll have a better idea of how you would want to handle it.

Changing your advance care plan

You can change or cancel your advance care plan at any time. Just fill out new forms and get rid of your existing forms. Or you can just let your family, your doctor, and your substitute decision-maker know about the change. If you change or create new forms, give everyone an updated copy. Don't just cross out or add new information unless it's only to change your address or phone number.

Storing your advance care plan

Keep copies of your advance care plan in a safe but easy-to-access place where others can find them. Do not keep your advance care plan forms in a safe deposit box. If you can't speak for yourself, your family may not know how to access these forms. And don't rely on your lawyer to be able to provide the documents when they are needed. Your family may not know who to contact.

If your province offers an online registry, you may be able to store your advance care plan online so authorized health care providers can find it right away. Give copies of these documents to your doctor, your substitute decision-maker, your family members, your lawyer, and anyone else who may need them.

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